get to know

Kathy Spease

Kathy Spease lives in Harrisburg, NC with her husband Darin, and her two adult children, Morgan and Kasey. Her oldest son, Mason, is a CPA and has his own family which includes his wife Leah and daughters Charlie and CoCo.  Morgan, her middle son, is a 2020 graduate of The Village Christian Academy and is currently working full-time at Goodwill as a cashier.  The baby of the family is her daughter Kasey who is a graduate of Hickory Ridge High School and is currently a rising senior nutrition major at Lees McRae College. Kathy and her family are members of Connect Christian Church in Concord, NC. This is her sixth year teaching at The Village Christian Academy (VCA), but she has been part of the VCA family for much longer.  Her son Morgan was a student from 6th through 12th grade. During her tenure, she has taught high school mathematics, middle/high school special education, and high school health. 

Educationally, her background includes a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics Education from UNC Charlotte and a master’s degree in Health Education from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Quite a few of her young parenting years were spent as a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.  However, she has also held positions in programming and operations with BellSouth, as well as an assistant geographic analyst with a local company, VentureSum. 

In the classroom, her teaching philosophy includes a daily review of previously taught concepts to ensure solid foundations and increased retention. She also believes wholeheartedly in the old-fashioned concept of repetition and hard work.  Most students cannot learn a skill completely with just a few chances to practice. Constantly monitoring for gaps in understanding and re-teaching as necessary is another hallmark of her classroom style. Most importantly, she understands that not everyone learns at the same pace or in the same way.  So, constantly searching for ways to reach every child is her true passion.  She loves to see students understand a concept and she likes teaching in small groups as well as individual instruction. Thus, the emphasis on a small teacher-to-student ratio at VCA is a great fit for Kathy.