get to know

Kara Moss

Kara Imani graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2021. She studies Mass Media Communication and Politics. Go Niners! She worked in the public school system as a tutor, substitute teacher and after-school care counselor before coming to The Village. Passionate about activism, she has also worked for political campaigns and journalism programs.

In her free time, she enjoys being outdoors. She loves to camp and go kayaking during the warmer months and you can catch her by a campfire during the cooler months. Her favorite part of working at The Village is the relationships she has been able to create with the students. She loves getting to know their personalities, hopes, dreams and quirks. The smaller size of the school affords her the opportunity to connect to each student in meaningful ways. For Kara, it’s such a gift! Her biggest hope is that her students all feel seen and know and deeply loved.