get to know

Barbara Bacharach

Barbara Bacharach graduated from Tobe Coburn, New York City, NY along with a semester abroad in London, England at Landsdowne College. This is her 15th year in Education. She started out at Carolina International Charter School in 2008 as a K-6, 9, 10 PE Teacher and Athletic Director. In 2010, she joined the 2nd grade team and found my niche.  Finally, in 2022 TVCA welcomed Barbara as a Math and ELA teacher for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade teacher.  She loves working with children and watching how their little minds work and grow.  She is reminded daily of how each child is a gift from God.

One of the most rewarding aspects of working at TVCA is the focus on the love for the Christian faith. Prayer and concentration on God and Jesus are welcomed and recommended.  Barbara is a very proud mother of 3 adult children, Eddie 27, Lindsay 24 and Evie 23.  She has been married to her wonderful husband, Greg, for 30 years.  She cherishes every moment with them.

One of her favorite things to do is learn more about her faith and being very active at my church.  Her proudest accomplishment is her recent commission as a Stephen Minister where she works with a Care receiver in need of spiritual and emotional support.  It brings her such joy to help others.  She truly feels this is what God is calling her to do.