get to know

Ann Henrie

Ann Henrie graduated from Brigham Young University with an Associate Degree in Child Development and a BS degree in Elementary Education. She has been a teacher aide in Idaho, at a preschool in Michigan, a first-grade teacher through Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, a reading tutor through Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, and currently, a Pre-K teacher at The Village Christian Academy.

Ann grew up in North Carolina and came from a family of 7 children where she learned to work. She is married and her husband and I have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl, all married. They share 13 grandchildren.

Her favorite thing to do is travel with her family and friends. She has a bucket list of all the places she wants to visit.

She loves teaching at Village Christian Academy. She states, “There is a loving and caring atmosphere at this school.” She truly believes it takes a village to raise a child. She teaches Christian values to develop character, patriotism, and love for all mankind. She wants all her students to go out into the world and make it better. Her colleagues are dedicated, hard-working, and helpful. They make working at this school a joy.